
Ung i Värmdö

A unique app that helps the young to stay updated

The archipelago municipality of Värmdö is buzzing with life. The municipality has grown rapidly in recent years, many families with children have moved in, and thus young people also make up a significant part of the residents. About 26% of the inhabitants are younger than 19 years.

“In Värmdö municipality, young people are offered a wide range of different activities and events every day that take place in different places at different times – then it is important that we reach out with information. We felt the need for our own channel, where we can collect all current information for the target group and reach out to young people as well as guardians,” says Annika Stenekas, development manager.

Appspotr therefore created the app “Ung I Värmdö” on behalf of the municipality. The app gives users the opportunity to stay up-to-date on what there is to do, places where you can meet, contact details for the leaders and help, advice and support when you feel unwell. In the app, you can also make your voice heard, give your opinion and influence the municipality.

“The app is a perfect complement for us, we have created our own platform where we ourselves have control over all content and manage our users. It is difficult as a municipality to reach out with the right information and support to this target group. The app makes it possible for us to get information out in an accessible and fast way and to publish all important information in a hub. For young people, it has to be mobile. Thanks to the app, all young people in Värmdö can access all information in their own pocket!”

Ung i Värmdö is based on the Appspotr 3 platform. The solution consists of a native iOS app, native Android app, a web client and a web-based CMS. For more information – see under “Apps”

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