
About Studios

Appspotr Studios  is a leading mobile app development studio that operates as part of Appspotr AB, a company dedicated to simplifying mobile app development through its low-code platform.
Founded in 2006, Appspotr AB has a mission to make high-quality smartphone apps accessible and affordable to everyone.
Appspotr Studios specialises in creating custom-made mobile applications that provide practical solutions to real-world business problems.
Our full range of mobile app-related services includes design, development, project management, and maintenance.
We utilize a combination of low-code platforms, such as Appspotr and Black, along with the pro-code platform Cyan, to provide our customers with exceptional value through innovative and intuitive mobile apps.
Our end-to-end solutions are tailored to meet our client’s specific needs and deliver tangible results.
At Appspotr Studios, we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality, affordable, and accessible mobile app development services.


Customer Success Manager

Malmö, Sweden

UI / App Designer & Project Manager

Malmö, Sweden

Sales Manager

Stockholm, Sweden

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Få din kundunika app med low code!

Vårt team av designers och utvecklare hjälper dig gärna att skapa din unika app. Fyll i formuläret nedan och någon från vårt team kommer att ta kontakt med dig inom 24 timmar!

Har du en app idé?

Vi vill gärna höra mer om den!
Beskriv kortfattat din idé i formuläret nedan, så kontaktar någon från vårt team dig inom 24 timmar!

Get your custom app done using low code!

Our team of designers and developers will be glad to help you creating your custom app.
Fill in the form below and someone from our team will get in touch with you within 24 hrs!

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Briefly describe your idea on the form below and someone from our team will get in touch with you within 24 hrs!

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