

A simple solution for a complex organization.
” For example, we use the app to communicate emergency situations in the building. On such occasions, every second counts, so it really feels safe that the message gets across as quickly as possible. ””
With its around 200 shops and restaurants, spread over 300,000 square meters in central Gothenburg, Nordstan is one of Scandinavia’s largest malls. With so many actors under the same roof, a lot of challenges naturally arise, not least when it comes to internal communication. Therefore, the Center management decided to develop an app to simplify communication between management and tenants.
– Before, we primarily handled contact via e-mail, which easily gets messy. Especially when you work with many different companies that all have different routines and guidelines for their employees. With an app, it becomes super clear when new information is released, which makes it easier for everyone involved. Because the app acts as a direct channel to the staff in the building, it also becomes easier for the companies, who do not have to pass on the information internally, explains Cathrine Persson, who is responsible for Nordstan’s marketing.
The app is downloaded by both store managers and other employees, and today has around 800 users in total. Here, they can easily keep track of what is happening in the building and other important information such as contact details and opening hours, file a fault report and take advantage of advantageous staff discounts. But the app is not only a smoother way to get the information out, but also ensures that it goes much faster – something that can make all the difference in certain situations.
– For example, we use the app to communicate emergency situations in the building. On such occasions, every second counts, so it really feels safe that the message gets across as quickly as possible.

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