App Management

Appspotr Studios utilises Appspotr 3 low-code mobile application development platform to develop mobile applications.

What is Appspotr A3?

Appspotr A3platform is an all in one platform with design, development, publishing, management and analytics built in.  Appspotr platform also contains a content management system and an iPad app where app admins can carry out a range of app management tasks. These include adding/changing content, user engagement, push notifications, managing app users and checking user analytics.

Manage access

Appspotr 3 app management system gives you complete control over who has access to specific functions within your app. You can easily create and assign user groups, as well as change user access status as needed. In addition, you can manage user roles, item permissions, app admins, and API access. With this level of flexibility, you can ensure that your app is secure and functioning exactly as intended, while also streamlining the management process for your team.


Engage with users via push notifications and create a personalized and interactive experience for your users, boosting engagement and loyalty.  Our segmentation tool enables you to send targeted messages to specific user groups, making your communication more effective. You can also send rich media notifications, with images. Our scheduling option allows you to schedule push send messages to your users, ensuring maximum impact. Moreover, our deep linking functionality helps drive user action by providing a direct link to a specific page within your app.

Manage content and media

Manage in app media and content with ease. 
You can seamlessly add new content, including images, and edit or remove existing items and content. With this feature, you can ensure that your app’s content is always up-to-date and engaging, keeping your users coming back for more.


With our platform, you have access to powerful analytics tools that allow you to monitor the activity of your app. You can keep track of user downloads and see how many active users are engaging with your app. Additionally, you can analyze app activity to gain insights into user behavior. Utilise these insights to make data-driven decisions and improve your app’s success.

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Få din kundunika app med low code!

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Get your custom app done using low code!

Our team of designers and developers will be glad to help you creating your custom app.
Fill in the form below and someone from our team will get in touch with you within 24 hrs!

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Mobile device users: Click on the button below to see the app.

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