Studios app for property and intern communication

The app

Our solutions for properties and intercommunication simplify everyday life for the property owner, property manager, center management, administrators and tenants.
With an app “in the pocket” of your customers, the information is easily accessible when it is needed. Important things that need to be communicated quickly get out in an efficient way, updates happen in real time and users find all the necessary information in one place.
Whether it’s a new tenant in a shopping center, a water leak in the basement, updating the times for this year’s Christmas party, tips on how to save electricity or reporting a fault, our solutions can meet most needs.

News & bulletin boards

The app gives you the opportunity to communicate regular updates about what’s happening to your tenants in a simple and effective way. You can also choose to invite your tenants for dialogue and feedback through functions such as bulletin boards. On the bulletin boards you can print short messages such as “Days for rubbish collection are changed to Fridays”.

Notifications & attention

Important messages and updates get noticed and arrive faster. With notices, your tenants can choose to receive notices that concern them or the areas they are interested in.

Make information available

The platform gives the administrator an online tool to handle recurring questions while increasing the level of service to your tenants. The information can be shared in different ways such as “Questions and answers”, a handbook containing all information divided by categories, share documents and pdf. files, videos and lists of relevant links.
If necessary, the administrator can also make certain changes and updates “on the go” directly via the app.

Use forms to collect data

Forms provide the ability to collect different types of data from users. It can be a form so tenants can submit a fault report and if there is a system for fault reporting today, it is fine to link it. The same applies to e.g. for “My pages”.

The administrator can create different types of questionnaires, surveys and checklists that can be published in the app. For events, it is good to add a calendar with functions such as notifications and follow-up.

Customize functions

Do you already have one or more systems that you want to connect to an app or do you have your own idea for how your app should look and function?

Contact us and we’ll see how we can help you with that.

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